About Persveilig

The media sector, the police and the Prosecutors Office took steps in 2019 against violence and aggression against journalists. This resulted in the platform PersVeilig. With PersVeilig the various parties aim to reduce threat, violence and aggression against journalists and people in the media. The parties involved all signed a Press Safety Protocol for the purpose of this goal. The media has drawn up a collective norm. This means that journalists always file a complaint by the police when something happens within the norm. The parties involved within PersVeilig underline the importance of this collective norm to make it known that such behavior is not accepted and action will be taken...


Employers in the media sector are responsible for the safety, health and well-being of the journalists working for them. This means that employers ensure sufficient preparation time and preventive measures, such as effective training, for any form of reporting or publication that may involve risks. The document Security plan for Dutch media by PersVeilig is provided for this purpose.


Journalists attend training courses that the employer offers and will act in accordance with the responsibilities set out in the ‘Dutch Media Security Plan’. For freelancers without a client, training courses will be offered by or via PersVeilig .
For journalists, it is of the utmost importance that all incidents are reported to the employer and to the PersVeilig hotline. 

More information?

If you need more information or want to be in touch with PersVeilig, please send us an email at [email protected] or fill in the contact form. We are happy to help you. 


Press safety protocol PersVeilig

Collective norm PersVeilig

Security Plan Dutch Media

Survey 2021 Aggression and threats against journalists

Survey 2022 Female journalists and security 

Over PersVeilig

PersVeilig is een gezamenlijk initiatief van de NVJ, Het Nederlands Genootschap van Hoofdredacteuren, de Politie en het Openbaar Ministerie en heeft tot doel de positie van journalisten te versterken tegen geweld en agressie op straat, op social media en tegen juridische claims.